Indalo presents: ************* Post 1. The program's purpose: Post converts replies out of html-forms to a readable format. This is a tool for people who want to get feedback to their website with html-forms via email, so there are no cgi-scripts needed. Included is a sample html-page with a full featured answer form and two files called "formpost" and "form posted by Mozilla" wich were send out of this exsample-form. These files can be converted with the programm. If you run a website and get feedback out of your form continously, you need a mailclient like Eudorda, wich stores the form-replies in a attachment-directory automatically. Then you specify this directory in the Post-programm and all received replies can be processed in one stroke. Post itself is a simple editor with standard "file" and "edit" menu-functions. The special conversion-function is in the "auto"-menu. Before you use this function (named "convert"), you should tell the programm where the reply-files called "formpost"-files are stored and with what file filter (default is form*) they all get hit. Convert translates the files, and stores them into an output-textfile. Then the formpost-files get deleted. The output-file is named like 11_03_96.txt and is displayed in the editor for further processing. To try out this system follow these steps: - enter your email-adress in the form.htm file - get online - load the form.htm in your web-browser, fill it out and click submit - after your mailserver has processed this, you can check your mail-account - the entered infos are attached to the mail in one line. The Eudora mail-client stores this automatically in one file. If you have another mail-client, you have to do this manually. (btw: Eudora light V1.54 is freeware; about 2Mb from or search eudor154.exe by archie) - then run Post, set the auto-dir, where the file is stored, the filefilter and click the "convert"-action. The replys get listed with number, date (when you received them) and a few markes wich tell you the status in further processing. Note that all constellations in html-forms can be processed, no matter how much, what type or in what order the input-tags are. This is also the main advantage over static cgi-scripts. So you can design your answer-forms how you like with no limitation or consequences from layout-changes. Post does it all! 2. how to install it: Just copy all files in one directory 3. The status of the program: SHAREWARE 4. The program's distribution status: freely distributable only under following conditions: - only the original ZIP-archiev shoult be distributed. It is not allowed to add or remove files from this or to extract it and distribute the files in another archiev (even if you zip it again). Otherwise users cant be shure about functionality or virus-safety of the programm. - only as SHAREWARE - distribution in other archieves or collections should be announced to Indalo 5. How to contact the author in case of questions or problems: per email: or